mayday! mayday! are these eggs?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 20, 2005
Mauritius Is.
i woke up these morning and saw these things.

what do i do?

are these eggs?

what should i do?


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well i wanted to save them if they were eggs. but i dont know how?

can i handle them directly?

how do i keep them?

little bowl? airstoned water? food?
first of all, what fish do you have in their? and if you want to save them you have to make sure you have another tank ready to go for them when they grow

the reason i ask for fish is to see if they lay eggs or are livebearers
My best guess would be Cory eggs. You will have a hard time hatching cory eggs in a community tank. If you want to raise fry you are best seeting up a breeding tank to hatch the eggs.
Your comets are too small to breed. Cory's stick their eggs all over the place.

On a side note, eventually the comets will out grow your tank. They also have different dietary requirements than most tropicals.
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