Med to very large tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 28, 2006
My sister-in-law just gave me her 125 gal tank set up. It's been sitting in her basement empty for 10 years. I have 2 tanks now 30gal and 15 gal.If I add my rocks, gravel, water, plants and use my filters from both my tanks will I have a cycle problem with the 70 gals of new water? Man ,it's been years since I started a new tank.
The water from your old tank will hold very little bacterial culture. With the substrate, filters and plants you should have a much faster cycle. You will not get an instant cycle IMO as the volume of your new tank is so much larger than your old tanks. But you should have a fairly fast cycle.

Congrats on the fantastic new tank and WELCOME TO AA!!!!!!!!
Also make sure to fill it up outside and let it sit for a day or two to check for any leaks. With it sitting around that long, the silicone may need to be replaced.
Thanks. How about I get my water from a spring fed river. Thats where I get my fish and my rocks. Its as clear as drinking water.
Water contains very little bacteria in it. Substrate and filter media contain the majority. So getting river water will not substantially speed up your cycle.
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