Milky Water - Help please

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 16, 2011
My fresh water Aquarium won't get clear at all any tips it's Ben looking milky for 4 months now had the tank for a year now???
Some background info would be nice. Size of tank, stocking, filtration, and your typical maintenance you perform & schedule.
36 gallon aqua clear filter really don't do nothing daily but add water when it gets low
Have you done anything significant in the last 5 months leading up to the start of when you noticed the milky cloudy water? I'm thinking it could be a bacteria bloom and that usually occurs when things are thrown out of balance. Perhaps you added in too many fish? Or changed out all the filter media and sponge which can result in the loss of too many beneficial bacteria in the process? But if it's milky, most likely its a bacteria bloom. If there's a greenish hue, can be an algae bloom, which means too much light. I'm grasping at straws... LoL

You can do some 20-30% partial water changes the next few weeks (2-3 days apart). It should clear up on its own. Just don't overfeed and you can reduce your lighting.

If it still doesn't clear after the above suggestions, you can try a water clarifier agent. It basically makes smaller particles floating around clump up info larger particles in which your filter can suck up. After the agent has had some time to work, then you'd have to do a gravel vac and siphoning to get the gunk out.

Hope this helps.. Good luck!
Lol it's two late I got my water super clear by doing a 90% water change and killed all my fish tiger barbs and Bala sharks died to easy only thing that live was my alge eater


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My tap water did the same thing ! It looked like I dumped skim milk in the tank!! I couldnt even see the back filterand the bottom of my tank and filter tubes were full of white stuff(I filled my tank before adding my pool sand or any thing other than heater and filter.)After 3 months I could kinda see my back filter,so I called marineland they were puzzled as to what was wrong, so they suggested that I do a 25% water change every day until I totally changed my water to bottled water. Well my tank is a 55gal and was costly to do that so I went to the artestian well a few miles from home and started using that water. Well my tank is pretty much all clear now with spots of noticeable stuff on glass (kind of looks like if you spilled alittle milk on a glass coffee table and you can see through it slightly. But the strange thing is when I filled my big tank it was at the beginning of the month and knowing my l fish were going to be delivered before I got my tank figured out I went an filled a smaller tank and not thinking I used my tap water after the tank was up for 2-3 days I said to myself " oh no!" I used my tap water, but to my surprise that tank never got milky.,just normal cloudiness for a couple days.I filled my second tank about the 3rd week of that month and my 55gal was filled the first week of that month (3 months earlier)So what I was thinking and maybe the same goes for your water. Did the city add chemicals to the water during the first part of the month??? It makes sense to me anyway. But not sure if it the case of my tanks or yours. Just a thought!
Na my tap water made my tank clear after it killed all my fish I didn't know the city changes the water on the 1st
I'm not sure if the city adds chemicals at a certain time if at all , I was just saying it just seemed that way,cause why would one tank be milky white at one part of the month and the other tank be so clear,just my thought about it. Not sure if Nick has chemicals added to his city waterlike we do.
Not sure where you guys are from but in two states that I lived (AZ & CA) I was able to find water reports online from the city. They show a detailed report of the contaminants and the TDS (total dissolve solids) reading from the tap. TDS meters aren't too expensive if you wanted to test the tap yourself. Just an idea to add. Hope you solve your issue.
More water changes
Buy a new filter
But water cleaning supplies
Even put some salt into the tank
But snails or other algae cleaning fish
These guy help keep my tank clean a bunch!


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