Mixing Clown Loach with Shrimp

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 4, 2003
I need to house a clown loach in my community tank for few weeks at moment.

Any advise on mixing clown loach (2 inches at moment) with shrimp (amano, cherry) ?

umm...somehow i dont think they will go together safely
clowns like to scavenge on the ground and have sharp barbels. they like to eat snails and suck em out of their shells, and shrimps kinda have a shelled body...so i dont think the shrimps will last long
Another reason why i want to add the loach into the comm tank for few weeks is to control the snail too :D

Now it's house in another tank with a panchax and pleco.
I never see my loaches eat ghost shrimp. Their mouths are really too small to do anything more than nip small pieces of shrimp off at a time and most shrimp can move fast when they need to.

I have a bamboo shrimp (though significantly larger than your shrimp) in with a few loaches that are all around 3-4 inches in length and it is never bothered.
Clown Loaches eat ghost shrimp, I've seen em' do it. My loaches are big. 3-4''.
Cherry shrimp are very small, as FW shrimp go, so I would assume they would be gone with a clown loach in there.
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