Mommy/Baby Platy

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 2, 2011
Our MM platy is ready to have her 2nd batch hopefully very soon! The 1st batch are in the nursery, and are getting to a small neon size. Can the 1st batch join the main tank yet? I know to wait till the mommy squares off then move her to the nursery to deliver, should she go in a separate nursery if the 1st batch shouldn't come out yet? Also I don't want to move her too early, but I do feel bad keeping her in the main tank for much longer because of the other fish keep chasing her!
I'm contemplating a second nursery for her & keeping the first batch in theirs until they get a little bit bigger!
Any ideas or advice appreciated!
The first batch of babies can go in the tank with the adults ONLY if they are twice the size of the largest fish's mouth, . If they ARE NOT TWICE THE SIZE OF THE LARGEST FISH'S MOUTH IN THE MAIN TANK OF ADULTS,KEEP THEM IN THE NURSERY!!!!. A Question that I have is what other fish are in the tank with the mom, that also depend whether they can go in the main tank or not, and how long ago did she have her first batch
She had the 1st batch 12/9/11.
In the tank there are the two mm platy, two painted tetra and two serpae tetra. :)
What I have is a seperate nursery tank for my pregnant fish and I don't put the moms in a breeder box, but put them in the seperate tank for about a week and feed her well. make sure that there are lots of plants and hiding spots in the nurery tank, but not to much so that you could not see the fry if they are born( I only have plants in my tank,but lots). All of the babies that my molly and platties have had are in a nursery in the main tank, they are in a breeders net, and my pregnant fish are in a seperate tank. But while you are transferring her, put her in a bag like at the pet stores and let her get used to the tank water. When she has her babies you have 2 choices.. 1) but the mom back into a bag and let her float on the surface to get used to the water in the main tank again, and leave the babies to grow up in the nursery tank until you want to transfer them back later in to the main tank 2) Transfer the babies and the mom back into the main tank using the same precedure as you would like the mom, or like when you just get a new fish, with the babies in a safe breeding net and leave the nursery tank open so that you can put other pregnant fish,if they do become pregnant, into the nursery tank. Your choice and sorry that this message is so long but that is what i do with my platties and now new mammy molly so good luck and congrats. :)
Oh your fine! I appreciate any and all help or advice!
So I think she's looking a lil more square tonight! So maybe soon?! :)
I put my mommy platy in the breeder box this morning because I really felt like she was coming very close to delivering, I'd rather try to save the babies from being eaten by the other fish in the main tank but so far no progress! I don't want her scared/stressed! Should I just keep her in there for now? Or move her back into the main tank? I don't know which would be less stressful?!
domsmom said:
I put my mommy platy in the breeder box this morning because I really felt like she was coming very close to delivering, I'd rather try to save the babies from being eaten by the other fish in the main tank but so far no progress! I don't want her scared/stressed! Should I just keep her in there for now? Or move her back into the main tank? I don't know which would be less stressful?!

If it seems that close if you move her you will awaken to a skinny fish and minimal fry UBLESS she's in her own 10g birthing tank. However..... As a lot of people on here know one of my mollies held on for what seems like centuries and was 2.5 wks LATE! so... What do I know anymore LOL
congrats! you should post pictures :D oh and also, didn't you already have a thread just like this???
Thanks! Yea I think I might have had one similar..? Will attach a pic of new babies... :)

Thanks! No its not real, it's called water lettuce.. Found it on Amazon! Really specifically for the babies to hide in :)

Oh that looks pretty. Perhaps I can add a few fakies to my tank and hide them amongst the real ones.
Congrats on fry ! Also I might get some water lettuce to my tank my platy suppose to have her 2nd batch too :D
Thanks! And Congrats on your fry on the way! :) yes they seem to really like the water lettuce! They hide on top and in between the leaves!
So I thought my original babies where def big enough to get moved into the main tank! Lost a couple. :( apparently the painted tetra are bigger bullies than I thought. They were injuring then eating. So I've re caught what babies are left and I'm moving them to their own nursery away from the big fish and the new babies! Hopefully now everyone will be safe!
sn: the 2nd batch ended up being a total of 22!! :)

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