Moody Keyholes

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 6, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
My keyholes have always been a little shy, but in the past couple of weeks, it has become very bad.

For those that have kept them: you know the colouration that they get when you first turn-on the tank lights in the morning or when they have been started (that dark and blotchy look), well, they are like that for most of the time now.

The larger of the two keeps hiding out under the driftwood and stays that dark blotchy colour. He/she may do this for a couple of days and then be a little more normal and eat and swim around. Then, he goes back to being blotchy and resting on the ground. He watches you, and you can see his eyes move to follow your movements around the tank, but he doesn't get up off the gravel. No hard breathing.

The other keyhole is like this too, but less frequently.

In the tank there are GBRs, three bolivians, the two keyholes, MTS, and James Bond (a L007 pleco).

Hopefully someone will have an idea to point me in to try to bring back the old fish in him.
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