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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 19, 2004
Well it took 6 weeks in the end to complete the fishless cycle, just wish I'd found this place earlier than taking advice from the guy in the fish shop who clearly didn't have a clue!

Anyway the good news; I've now got 5 black widow tetras in the tank (92 litre), all doing fine. When would it be safe to add more and any advice on which types would be suitable?

Tetras go with quite a few fish. What kind of fish are you interested in? You can look through people's galleries to see what's out there and then post back with your favs. We will tell you if they are compatable and in what numbers :D
The tank was a Christmas present for my two girls aged 6 and 3, they would love a clown fish like nemo but obviously thats not possible.

So the more pretty and colourful the better from their perspective, they quite liked the look of some blue dwarf gouramis they saw at the local fish store, which I believe are good community fish.
Platies are colorful and pretty easy community fish to keep, an inch or less in lenght so you can get a few. You could add two or three a week and probably not outpace your biofilter.
A FW nemo fish :eek: Platies, Mollies, and Swords can have some nice colors that your daughters may like. Gouramis can be good community fish, but you have to watch out. They have been known to fight, as the bettas do, against their own kind.
There are orange dwarf gouramis too that might be closer to a nemo looking fish :) I had a blue dwarf gourami that was really pretty as well. It was kind of shy around my tetras though and hid quite alot. Pearl gouramis are not as colourful but they are shiny. Good luck!
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