Moss Balls

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 17, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I am relatively new to planted tanks, but have low light plants and all is fine. I was browsing eBay and came across Moss Balls. Do any of you have them? I know how plants work in a tank and am not going on their description. Since these plants are different, I would like them. My ram (hopefully they breed) and my Badis tanks could use some new plants and I wanted to try Moss Balls. Good idea?
do you think rams would breed in on a ball? Mine always lay on flat rocks or dig little holes with their tails.... give the balls a try... couldn't hurt, right? I don't know much about what the need, other than an occasional turn, so the bottom doesnt rot out, and that the grow v e r r r y y s l l o o o o w w w l l l y y
Cladophora...i have a few....get them if you can for <$8 each, as when they are available here in town, they go from $9-$15 each. These kick serious tushie....and do a fab job of keeping your water clean and sucking up nutrients that bothersome algae would thrive on.
hehe, i should have typed a smilie face to show I was joking... i don't really think they'd lay eggs on them either. Sorry! I totally sound like I'm joking when I read it in my head.

I have to wonder how dense they are. Java moss may make a better 'nest' to swim in, but I still think you should get some. Too fun!
my marimo ball simply slowly disintegrated over several months. Other plants thrived though, so I doubt it was my water quality...and more that the ball was crappy, or not a true marimo.
I loose pieces of it from time to time and it doesn't grow much, but it does suck up some nutrients, but so do the rest of my plants. I think it's boring, but that's me.

You can flatten it out and tie it to a rock. I thought about putting a Chia Head in my tank and tying one on as a toupee, then I realized that the only thing worse than fake decorations in a tank, would be a Chia anything anywhere.
I have two that I have had for a couple of years, and I think of them like shrubs or something - they just sit there being round and cushiony, and are an interesting feature. I roll them around when I do water changes to keep them from having dead spots. When I am really being good about keeping my CO2 and nutrients spot-on, they will pearl, and bob to the surface. They also did great when the tank was low light.

They started off being about golfball size, and now they are baseball size.
I am pretty sure I got them from - but they've got whopping shipping prices and I don't know if they can get them up to you. Check out and see if Off-Ice is selling any - I am sure he'll ship to you.

If RobertH pops in, he might be selling them at
Just a quick note Menagerie, i bought some of these from the same person/company (ebay ID w-p-v) on the 9th of september... im still waiting for them...
Just a quick note Menagerie, i bought some of these from the same person/company (ebay ID w-p-v) on the 9th of september... im still waiting for them...
Well, let me know how they look when you get them! I understand they take 2-3 weeks to receive!
I just got a whole bunch of them in, nice dark green and rolly poley! :lol:
If you cant meet the online minimum, call me, order by phone.


Robert Hudson

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