Moved into a house with pond.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 28, 2011
Virginia Beach
So I have this pond in my backyard . It's 5 ft by 3 ft and a foot and a half deep. It's just filled with dirty water . There is no pump or my questions are what do I need to get this pond going ? And what kind of fish?
I have a similar-size round concrete pond in my back yard. It's only about 15" deep, so I just grow water lilies in pots. Too small for koi, but I did stock some rosy reds some years ago to eat mosquito larvae. I used a floating heater to keep if from freezing over completely, but it died and the pond froze mostly solid. The water lilies survived, but not the fish.
No pump or filter, just the water lilies and I tossed some duckweed from my tanks out in the early spring for the rosy reds to eat until the bugs started turning up to feed them.
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