Aquarium Advice Activist
Hello All,
We are carpeting the area where our fishtank sits now and have a few questions.
(Its a 55 Gallon Salty)
The current tank is getting scratched up pretty bad from sand getting into the little magnetic scrubber so we are wanting to replace the glass.
A.) Should I move to a DRILLED tank?
B.) I remember reading somewhere that GLASS was better than Acrylic or maybe it was the other way around. What should I be looking to buy? What are advantages/disadvantages?
C.) How do I move all this stuff safely? I have 5 fish and TONS of live rock. I dont want to harm any of these guys so how do I move all this stuff withought stressing them out too bad? Could I put them all in my 20 gallon while I move the tank? (The 20 gallon has 2 clowns in it and loads of live rock but I could take the rock out before I put the other fish in it. (Fish + Live rock = you aint catching em) lol
ANy advice would be greatly appreciated. I am sure I will have more questions but figured I should get the conv rolling..
Thanks in advance,
We are carpeting the area where our fishtank sits now and have a few questions.
(Its a 55 Gallon Salty)
The current tank is getting scratched up pretty bad from sand getting into the little magnetic scrubber so we are wanting to replace the glass.
A.) Should I move to a DRILLED tank?
B.) I remember reading somewhere that GLASS was better than Acrylic or maybe it was the other way around. What should I be looking to buy? What are advantages/disadvantages?
C.) How do I move all this stuff safely? I have 5 fish and TONS of live rock. I dont want to harm any of these guys so how do I move all this stuff withought stressing them out too bad? Could I put them all in my 20 gallon while I move the tank? (The 20 gallon has 2 clowns in it and loads of live rock but I could take the rock out before I put the other fish in it. (Fish + Live rock = you aint catching em) lol
ANy advice would be greatly appreciated. I am sure I will have more questions but figured I should get the conv rolling..
Thanks in advance,