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Oct 21, 2004
It`s a sad day today. I woke up to my eel being dead this morning. I really dont have any explanation why. I was feeding every other day and yesterday was his turn and he would not eat. When I got up he was out from under his rock laying there. It will take a while to recover from this he was a favorite of mine. Just a pic to remind everyone of him.

Sorry about the loss, definitely not a good day. Most of the time eels are fairly resilient creatures and unless some type of internal or major external injury is had, minus those that escape from their display, nutrition could very well play a key role in early deaths.
I fed him a shrimp from the store every other day. I would cut it in a few pieces. Do you think that was enough James and what other foods would you have recommended that would have helped. He started off about 4 inches and was over a ft long when he died. Not bad growth for a year`s time. Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
Well, even though their diet mainly consists of crustaceans a single item usually cannot meet the nutritional standards which is why a variety is best. Shrimp (shell on), crab (blue crab is common), fish (capelin, silversides, herring, etc.), squid, and even live crayfish or fiddler crabs (defensive claws removed) for enrichment purposes. They only need to be fed twice/weekly and only what they can eat; Once they become lethargic about taking the next bite, stop feeding immediately. Morays have been known to stop feeding for up to 6 months. Most predators should also have each meal enriched with some type of Thiamin-E based additive.
Dang, what a bummer. Sorry to hear about your loss.
That is so sad....they are such beautiful creatures...I'll bet your little son was upset..I think it's great to involve them in stuff like you are at a young age. Did you do any type of a necropsy? Wonder maybe if it was the shrimp. Again, very sorry.l


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