MTS and garage sales...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 6, 2003
Somebody tie me down, there are tanks for sale at some garage sales this weekend. I check the paper almost every week to see what people are selling and this weekend there's a 40 gal in one town and a 50 nearby as well... Didn't say how much but most people don't as for much at the yard sales around here... I really can't afford anything and don't have anywhere to put them but I can't help but go look... but if I go look then I might not be able to help buying either.... Somebody stop me.............
I got a complete 10gal setup, Tank, filter, heater, hood, lightstrip and bulb for 5 dollars at a yard sale, became my male bettas tank.


My two favorite types of Garage sales.

The one where the person dosn't know what they have because they're selling it for a friend.

And the " Wife is going to kill me if I don't get this *blip* thing out of the house " sales.

You can get awesome deals at both.

In other words, how can you NOT afford it Milli?

By buying them so cheap, Your SAVING MONEY! :lol:
S T O P ! ! !


U know you could buy them for 1 price and sell them for another price. If you enjoy yardsale buying then you could turn a small profit. Or you could turn them into breeding tanks or plant growing tanks or something like that.
The rope will aid in tying even more tanks to your car as you go around from sale to sale buying them all up.

I can just picture that.... with millipede driving around with a crazy look in his eyes and tanks strapped all over the vehicle... scanning the horizon for garage sale signs
My parents sold a 55g w/stand for $40 at a garage sale for a relative.
This really makes me laugh at our insanity. :D :D :D

I bought 2 20gal tanks last month at our local meeting. Paid $3.00 each for them, and one was drilled. :eek: . They're still sitting in a corner of my garage. I have no idea where or what I'll do with them.
I know it... I have about 8 aquariums in the house with 5 of them setup and every week I still check the swap sheet for aquarium deals. Makes me feel better though I met this dude in Waterloo, we traded some livestock and corals and sand, I found out he has 150 tanks in his basement.

Oh yeah I'm driving out of state this Sunday to pick up a used 55 gallon reef setup. Woo hoo!

Eventually I would like to have a gardel eel tank.....sigh....
William said:
You don't have MTS like I do. :twisted:
With 6 tanks up and running, plus two QT tanks with more fish, I'd say I'm right there with you :wink: My only problem is there is not enough electrical outlets at my current place! When we use the microwave, we often loose power in half the house :roll:
fortunately(I think) my case of mts isn't so bad. As hard as it is I'm going to resist this weekend. I'd really like to check out the prices but I really don't have the time, money, extra space, and I'm just too tired.. didn't really sleep last night... Unless one of you want to drive way out here I guess the prices will remain a mystery... Sure, I'll regret not looking but if I look.... I might regret that... Well, I really need to go lay down... you are all pretty funny... extra rope... hahaha
I was going to send the rope to tie you down, not for extra tanks :wink:
Spend the weekend with the kids--you'll be happier you did!
Menagerie said:
My only problem is there is not enough electrical outlets at my current place! When we use the microwave, we often loose power in half the house :roll:

Hahah!! That's great. So I never knew what MTS meant, because everytime I saw it the acronym pop up just told me Malaysian Trumpet Snails, and that never made sense. I thought this post was going to be my chance to finally ask. lol. I rolled over it 1 more time, and NOW it says Malaysian Trumpet Snails or Multiple Tank Syndrome. So now I know what is is. lol

This is something I suffer from, but luckily for me I move too much to actually be able to act on it. It's resulted in a couple tank upgrades, however I always have to sell off the smaller tank because I move too much. Things will change once I'm out of college, I know that for sure. My LFS always has great sales. I know once I have the space to put stuff, I'll end with them. haha. Last week they had a new 55 gallon with full hood, light, and heater for $65.

Menagerie said:
William said:
You don't have MTS like I do. :twisted:
With 6 tanks up and running, plus two QT tanks with more fish, I'd say I'm right there with you :wink: My only problem is there is not enough electrical outlets at my current place! When we use the microwave, we often loose power in half the house :roll:

Join the club. My house was built 50 years ago, 1 electrical outlet ever, oh...30 feet or so.

You should see all the comercial grade extension cords I have stretched around to power my tanks :D

and I'm right there with you, If I turn my Microwave on I risk blowing the circuit breaker.
The place we're in was built in the 40's. It has lots of charm, just not a lot of outlets. There is a phone nook built into the wall in the main hallway with a shelf underneath for the phone book. Well, Calgary has grown a lot in 60 years and the phone book doesn't fit in there! I really like my place, I just don't like reprogramming the DVD player and setting the microwave clock two or three times a week :evil:
I dont think any house has enough outlets.
My house was built in th mid 90's and I have about 10 outlets in my living room and it still ISNT
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