my 10gallon planted tank=]

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 3, 2012
This is my planted tank that set for 2 days ago,

i use the hang on filter and the flow rate is about 150g/h.

This is my first time to use sunlight for the lighting! and i do not have any co2 injection.

The plants are:
Hygrophila difformis
Echinodorus angustifolius
Blyxa japonica
Cabomba caroliniana

The test kit result:

here is the video of set up!



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Beautiful! Can't wait to see how it fills in... I hear so much about not putting a tank in direct sun, but I have a few tanks that are in direct sunlight and I love it. I cover the side that gets the most direct sunlight and my plants love it. I'm in northern California so the temp doesn't get too warm for the fish. I have snails for algae control and just do a quick swipe of the sides with an algae sponge with every water change and I don't have a problem. I don't have the $$ to buy particularly great lights for the tanks right now and I love heavily planted tanks - sunlight is free!

I think your tank is gorgeous!
I believe directs sunlight is the BEST for planted aquariums! It's natural, easy, cheap, and plenty of watts if you get enough. Love how your tanks looks. Keep us posted on how it fills in!
awesome tank i just watched you video on youtube did you do the natural planted tank method

oh, how can you find that? search it?

and i partly used this method, i did not use the top soil or garden soil for my substrate.

Also, i did not use the gravel to cover the soil,so it may be the partly natural planted tank.
Beautiful! Can't wait to see how it fills in... I hear so much about not putting a tank in direct sun, but I have a few tanks that are in direct sunlight and I love it. I cover the side that gets the most direct sunlight and my plants love it. I'm in northern California so the temp doesn't get too warm for the fish. I have snails for algae control and just do a quick swipe of the sides with an algae sponge with every water change and I don't have a problem. I don't have the $$ to buy particularly great lights for the tanks right now and I love heavily planted tanks - sunlight is free!

I think your tank is gorgeous!
thanks a lot!

i agree with you that i cannot wait to see it!

and the temperature is not too warm, it may be good for feeding the shrimp!

if you have money, you may consider to add the heater.

here is my fish tank before it.


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oscarchan2011 said:
thanks a lot!

i agree with you that i cannot wait to see it!

and the temperature is not too warm, it may be good for feeding the shrimp!

if you have money, you may consider to add the heater.

here is my fish tank before it.

Wat are those floating plants? Those really look awesome and I'd like to get some of those :)
tropicalmackdaddy said:
Wat are those floating plants? Those really look awesome and I'd like to get some of those :)

The name is water lettuce, it is a kind of floating plant that grow fastly.
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