My 30gal SW tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 25, 2010
I inherited this tank from a buddy. Since getting it my Nem got huge, and I bought the urchin, so far everything is doing great. Only had a few problems:
1- Aiptasia, need to get rid of it
2- I found like 2-3 dead hermit crabs in my tank and I dont know why

Any info or help would be appreciated


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I am about 8 months into this, and have to say the most important piece I am reminded of is to check your levels. Anytime you feel something may be going wrong, be aware of your levels. This way you have a chance to pinpoint your problem much quicker.... with the help of the 'experts' on this site.

The tank looks good, and it will continue to look better.
Im going to have to buy a test kit so I can keep track of my parameters. What is a good test kit to buy?

Thank you
Thank you for the info on the test kit. I will look into getting that, and thanks for the comment on the tank.

This Is a pic of my nem that I took last night, to show its size.


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Looks nice, to get rid of the aptasia get a syringe and fill it with really hot tap water, and inject the aptasia with it, should kill um.... Very very very nice light and clowns. I would also get them urchin out... we had one and we saw him on top of some mushrooms, next day.. they were dead. Sooo to the sump he went.
iNano-thanks for the info. I also appreciate the advice. So far the urchin is cooperating so no sump for him. I only have one mushroom and he doesnt go near him.
Hermits could be dying since they need iodine to shed.. if the iodine is too low they can not shed and will die. Sometimes they get stuck in the rock too
I wouldn't dose iodine if I were you. Water changes should give your tank and the crabs all they need to grow. Also, there is no iodine test I know of and its always dangerous to dose stuff that you cannot test to see how much you need or have added.
ok thank you. I dont want to do more harm then good you know. So i will just stick with my water changes.

Thanks Etunes! and thank you for the advise on the iodine austinsdad, and melosu58
I had all of my hermits die in my first tank since the water i was using did not have enough iodine...i totally agree that you shouldnt add something you cant test but if the tank is low in iodine then that will kill the hermits. I do not add iodine all the time, the bottle says once every 2 weeks so i add it about once a month. If the hermits dont seem to be shedding or when they do shed its not a complete shell then id say its low
Kelsey, let us know about your water changing habits/frequency to put your experience in perspective, since I'm still insisting that regular ones replenish the iodine fast enuf.
I do dose iodine which no you cannot test for but i would much rather use it then have any more hermits/crabs die from low iodine...It was very sad watching the hermits struggle out of their shells trying to get rid of their exoskeleton and not knowing what was wrong..poor guys. I have since moved to a different location and therefore use different water. I dose slightly under the recommended amount it says on the bottle and i dose about every second water change (every 4 weeks) instead of the two weeks it says. The water i use now may possibly be okay but i have been using the iodine supplement for well over a year now and my tank and all creatures are happy and growing

I know many believe that it is not good to dose something you cant test (which i also believe) but it is still good to let people know about it in case someone else has the same if your hermit/crabs are not shedding or not shedding completely just know there is a possibility that it could be low iodine
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