My 40 Gallon Aquaponic Aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 24, 2015
Hey Everyone!

New to AA (y) so hopefully this thread isn't entirely in the wrong place.

I am relatively new to the hobby and decided I wanted a few fish, which as we know can turn out to be a major on-taking for those that have no idea what they are doing. I had experience with fish before, however they were a mix of tropical(cichlids - and Red-Tailed Sharks) plus a few more in a 5 gallon... which I was assured by some guy at the big named pet store (we won't say which pet corporation it was cough) and needless to say they all died, and I even ended up having to euthanize one.

I am only here to get some more advice and show off my latest endeavor which is a 40 g Hex Tank Aquaponic Aquarium.

I just upgraded from a 10 g which has actually yielded more basil and mint than I know what to do with.

I am starting this forum to receive additional advice and ideas for plants that will go well with those that I already have.

Hopefully in the thread I can delve into what I currently have a little further however this already seems to have gotten a little lengthier than I know most would want to read.

I hope you enjoy the pics - this site has honestly made it all possible!



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Well... I still think you should have done a bit more research. But we are here to help:

First of all: goldfish should be by themselves. I see you mixed in some other fish (chinese danio's)? I would strongly suggest against it. Goldfish are really dirty and messy fish.
Secondly: goldfish should not be housed in a 40g. I know these are not common goldfish, but they'll still grow to decent size.
Easy plants are anubias, java fern, echinodorus species, crypts etc.

Sent per three-eyed raven..
Well... I still think you should have done a bit more research. But we are here to help:

First of all: goldfish should be by themselves. I see you mixed in some other fish (chinese danio's)? I would strongly suggest against it. Goldfish are really dirty and messy fish.
Secondly: goldfish should not be housed in a 40g. I know these are not common goldfish, but they'll still grow to decent size.
Easy plants are anubias, java fern, echinodorus species, crypts etc.

Sent per three-eyed raven..

Agreed. Goldfish get a lot bigger than you think and a hex tank will not do them well. Goldfish are also coldwater vs of course tropical. Stick to tropical and do some schools of smaller fish. You could do a gourami or a pair of Rams for centerpiece of you wanted.


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Thank you for the advice!

To grow plants in the grow bed, I have found that there should be a bit of a higher bio-load. As for the size requirements it is certainly something that I have struggled with. Goldfish are of course less than ideal for fish keeping but it is at this point what I am stuck with. Luckily my folks have a large goldfish pond so once they reach an unmanageable size they will be swapped out for smaller ones, or hopefully another fish. In the tank are also some snails/a few Ghost Shrimp which I am hoping will keep the detritus to a minimum.

Right now the plants are
Java Fern
Java Moss

Any other suggestions on relatively low light plants that could help to keep the fish happy/ levels down?
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