Aquarium Advice Activist
I havn't posted any pictures of my 40g that i began setting almost 5 months ago. i tried to play with emersed growth and Hemianthus Callitrichoides (HC), but the growing and planting involved way to much patience so i went a different direction. I cycled fishlessly in january and was finished before the month was over. then i got what ever plants i could and threw em in (wood and many plants from mgamer).
Its a 40g breeder with aquaclear 70 filter and 78 watts of T5-ho. i have almost 6 diferent types of crypts, java moss, 2 types of hygro, sag, a few java ferns, and anubias. the fishies are 4 apisto Borelli opal (2f/2m), 6 rosey barbs, 2 neon tetras, 1 black molley, a few RCS, 8 corries, and a 6 inch sailfin pleco.
i do water changes once a week and does excell twice a week with potassium twice to 3 times a week. i had a horrible algae outbreak that lasted for almost 2 months, then once i started using excell and potassium it left my plants alone. i dont dose nitrogen and phossforus or traces because i use tap water and i think its very high in iron.
i have a few questions
1. Can my apistos breed with the barbs around? they paired off and come out seldom just to say hi.
2. how can i check the iron or phosphorus in my tap water?
3. what other fishes should i add?
4. how can i improve my scape?

Its a 40g breeder with aquaclear 70 filter and 78 watts of T5-ho. i have almost 6 diferent types of crypts, java moss, 2 types of hygro, sag, a few java ferns, and anubias. the fishies are 4 apisto Borelli opal (2f/2m), 6 rosey barbs, 2 neon tetras, 1 black molley, a few RCS, 8 corries, and a 6 inch sailfin pleco.
i do water changes once a week and does excell twice a week with potassium twice to 3 times a week. i had a horrible algae outbreak that lasted for almost 2 months, then once i started using excell and potassium it left my plants alone. i dont dose nitrogen and phossforus or traces because i use tap water and i think its very high in iron.
i have a few questions
1. Can my apistos breed with the barbs around? they paired off and come out seldom just to say hi.
2. how can i check the iron or phosphorus in my tap water?
3. what other fishes should i add?
4. how can i improve my scape?