my adopted betta

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 2, 2012
So my sister just dropped off her daughters betta fish at my house because shes going out of the country for awhile and Omg...I cant believe its still was living in the dirtiest water I've ever seen in a 1 gallon fish tote carrier thing...thinking he could use an upgrade...any recommendations?
Wow. I'd say tell your sister he died and keep him yourself. I like to keep my crown tailed betta in at least a five gallon tank. He can't handle the other fish in my forty gallon. He also likes to hide so I have enough plants to keep him happy. Seriously though, if you give him back you should definitely tell her there's a problem there.
Dude I know the carrier things and they're NOT 1 gallon dude. They are 1/4 gallons I'm pretty sure. I have that carrier as well and I put the carrier IN my tank and basically I put fry in there so they get protected from the adults but still get filtration and the same water quality as the tank because of the air holes in the case

Anyway the recommended minimum tank size is 5 gallons but I heavily planted and designed my 2.5 gallon desktop tank and I'm planning on putting a Betta in there. Just as long as its not suffocating in something pathetic (which I consider would be anything under 2.5 gallons lol) then it should be fine. So if you have the space, definitely get a 5 gallon but if you can only keep it on your desk or something I'd advice a 2.5

Tell your sister honestly about how you feel about her care for it. She should understand
bettaowner said:
Poor betta. The first thing you should do is a water change.

That's exactly what I did...shes been using bottled distilled water...from what I've heard...distilled water doesn't have the beneficial minerals that tap does...should I switch his water source?
I wouldnt use distilled water. But don't forget to use dechlorinator when you use tap water, and don't shock him. I'm glad he's in good hands right now.
Please do not return your sister that poor betta.
Here in singapore some lfs keep bettas in dirty conditions too and apparently theres nothing i can do about it... Thank god for you.
Aww poor Betta. I am not going to suggest keeping the Betta from your sister or lying to her she is your sister. But I would get something bigger if you can, mine is in a 2 gal tank I wouldn't go any smaller then that. You could always just tell her you cleaned him and cracked his tank. I know I said I wouldn't be lying to your sister but it's not totally lying there if you do indeed crack it. Or be honest with her and tell her you bought him a new tank because he was looking so sad and you didn't know what else to do.

And even when she comes back tell her your cleaning schedule you had for him and that he really perked up more then you have seen and encourage her to start doing it more often.

Hope everything works out.
I really don't think she wants him back, shes going to be gone for months.
Well if she doesn't want him back ask her if you can keep him that you fell I love with the little guy.
+11111 on what everyone else has said. If you're not planning on keeping him, upgrading his tank probably isn't going to do any good because you're sister most likely won't maintain the upgraded tank. He really should be in a minimum of a 5g with plants and hidey holes. I'm guessing that since it's such a small container he also does not have a heater which he also needs, they are tropical fish & do much better with water temps 78-80F. Good luck with him.
Thanks...yeah he has no heater....if shes planning to take him back which I don't think she is...ill give her some advice...hoping she takes it
If you get to keep him and decide to put him in a slightly larger home then all of the advice above is worth considering. Any tank around that's just large enough for a small filter and heater would be fine. I keep my betta in a 20 gallon but I also have a 5.5 gallon that I'm thinking of transferring him into. These types of small tanks are very inexpensive to setup. You may even find a kit that'll have everything the little guy would need at Petco, petsmart or walmart.

The one thing I'd like to say about caring for a fish for the first time is to resist the urge to over feed him. He doesn't need much food. Just a few (2-5) flakes or pellets a day is all he needs. Any more could pollute the water he lives in and that's a real threat. If you have any questions about how to setup something for him just ask. We'll all gladly help. :)

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