My anemone

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 16, 2011
When I first bought my anemone it was blue and after around a month the color changed . It's bassicly white with purple tips , what does this mean
rebelyeller89 said:
Possibly means that you don't have enough light. What lighting do you have over it?

+1 could be bleaching due to lack of light
I have the stock lighting that comes with the bio cube 29 gal
I have been told that the stock lighting in Biocube 29s is not efficient enough for an anemone unless you have pristine water conditions and keep the anemone very close to the light and have a LOT of supplemental feeding.
Any beter lighting I can add to my Biocube 29?
Any beter lighting I can add to my Biocube 29?

I don't think you can add, but you can change the lighting system but I will require you do remove your hood. Too answer your question yes there is lots of lighting option for you.
I had a bubble tip for years under stock lighting in bio cube 29. The light is enough. But you could up grade to LEDs for more light.
Bige said:
I had a bubble tip for years under stock lighting in bio cube 29. The light is enough. But you could up grade to LEDs for more light.

Can you please tell me what LEDs you added ?
I had a nem under stock biocube 29 lighting for 2 years. Now have 100% leds. The leds I have were from nanotuners which is no longer in business. But rapidleds seem to be a good kit.
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