My first tank-- Advise please

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The lady at the sotre changed the light out. she said the one in it was better for corals and she got a different one that would be better for feresh water plants. It is a 6700K 21"- pretty much the same as the link you posted,a s far as i can tell.

that stand looks nice too... I'll have to look when i go to the stoe for my ammonia test
If you go with that light you'll need to look at starting carbon supplementation (CO2 injection or Flourish Excel Dosing) and fertilization or you're almost certain to have constance algae issues as SpeedEuphoria mentioned.
I want small, atractive fish that won't be a problem to keep with 5 or so otos in a planted aquarium!
Otos are one of my favorites! Read my article on them. They are a somewhat challenging fish to acclimate, as they are often wild caught and either parasite ridden or not used to eating artifical foods. A preventative course of a parasite medication, and plenty of fresh veggies should help you get them settled in. They are a joy to have once you get through that initial period.

If otocats are going to be among your first occupants, I'd throw convention to the wind and leave the lights on during the cycle. The algae bloom won't look pretty to you, but the otocats that dine on biofilm and have been kept in sterile aquarium store tanks for perhaps weeks will be overjoyed to see it. You can work on fighting the algae after your otocats are eating fresh vegtables or sinking pellets without trouble.
your list looks good not too sure about lighting though.Generally its 1 inch per gallon but it usually depends on the fish.If they like to swim a lot and things like that.
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