My first web site

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 2, 2005
Hey ya'll! Everyone come check out my first attempt to make a web site. It's dedicated to my six gallon and 55 gallon reef tanks. The site is:

There's not much but some pictures, but stop by to see my tanks.

Looks great though your link to the 55 is almost impossible to see. Blue on blue. Good job!
What equipment specifically do you have for the 6gal? Because what you have done, is exactly what I want to do! :D
I have the eclipse already.. What other equipment did you use to support the water temp, purity, etc? Water changes aren't a problem, I like the 1 gal per week idea.
At what point did you decide to get an anemone? What special type of care does it need?
How can a 6 gal support the fish and the hermits and the snails? I was thinking I could only have 1 or 2 peppermint shrimp and 1 dwarf type gobie!
Oh master, let me sit at your knee and learn! teehee
Well, the biggest obstacle in converting the Eclipse was lighting. I don't believe that you can find a retro-fit kit that will fit the Eclipse Six. What I did was to buy a standard (as in the type that a normal 60W bulb fits in) double-fixture and I used two-part epoxy to glue it into the hood. Then I bought two 10W Coralife 50/50 bulbs. This gave me just enough light to keep some inverts. Email me if you would like and I will send you some pics of the lighting system.

For heating, I use one 50W heater. For filtration, I have about 10-11 lbs of LR and about 15 lbs of LS. I removed the bio-wheel because I had heard it would be a "nitrate factory." I tested my nitrates yesterday and they were between 2.5 and 5.0.

As far as my fish load, I began with some damsels, a few of them died but once the tank was cycled, I had no more trouble. The tank has never had algae problems interestingly enough (probably because I use bottled water). The tank may be slightly overstocked but the animals seem fine.

Any other questions, or if I think of anything else, I'll add it to this post. Good luck with your tank. Nano-reefs are so much fun!

Jim Willows
Not worried about the inverts yet... But will let you know when I am ready so you could send me the photos of what you did for the lighting. No, actually please send to my email I never know when a DIY bug will bite and it always better to have a list of honey-dos and the parts on hand already! Can pick up the heater and LS with no problems. LR, probably will order out for... local sources don't have much life or color. Pretty sad looking really.
But no other equipment? Is the water flow enough to feed the LR? I have been reading about how important the flow is to bring the food to feed the inverts.
It's not wise to post your e-mail in the public forum, it's a very easy way for web bots to pick it up and you'll get a mess load of spam. Use the PM function or turn on your e-mail capabilities in your personal preferences. :wink:


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