My fish are staying at the top of the tank....

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 27, 2011
I bought the Fluval Edge tank and have had it up and running for about a week and a half now and up until yesterday everything was going fine.

Yesterday I bought new fish and 2 live plants to add to the tank. I added the fish and the plants and everything was good. When I got home from work last night the tank had turned slightly cloudy, three of my fish were dead and all the rest of the fish were swimming at the top of the tank gasping for air it looked like. I immedietly removed the dead fish and did a 25% water change to get rid of any bacteria in the tank. The fish started swimming around like normal again. When I woke up this morning all the fish are back at the top of the tank and won't leave the surface.

What do I do??
drhorrible said:
I bought the Fluval Edge tank and have had it up and running for about a week and a half now and up until yesterday everything was going fine.

Yesterday I bought new fish and 2 live plants to add to the tank. I added the fish and the plants and everything was good. When I got home from work last night the tank had turned slightly cloudy, three of my fish were dead and all the rest of the fish were swimming at the top of the tank gasping for air it looked like. I immedietly removed the dead fish and did a 25% water change to get rid of any bacteria in the tank. The fish started swimming around like normal again. When I woke up this morning all the fish are back at the top of the tank and won't leave the surface.

What do I do??

Your tank was never cycled, your fish sound like they are suffering from ammonia posioning, I cant get a link for cycling because im on my phone but I am sure someone will.
the tank not being cycled is likely, but theres also a few other reasons the fish are at the top. They might be Stressed or the water is not oxygenated enough. Might be a combination of high Ammonia and lack of oxygen.
Do you have a liquid test kit? If not get one ASAP, the API Master kit is best (don't buy strips even though they are cheaper b/c they are inaccurate).

You'll have to test your water every day and do water changes to keep ammonia <0.25 and nitrItes <0.25 until your tank cycles. Be prepared to do some large water changes every day for a while.

If it's possible to take the fish back to the store and cycle fishless, that would be easier on you and your fish. Good luck!
Probably an ammonia spike. Take the fish out and do 25-50% water changes everyday until it clears up.
You could also try adding a aerator for a while until the water clears up

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