My Freshwater tanks!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 6, 2012
Hi, im showing this tanks cause it has been so much work put into it! But im so proud of all i have acomplished!! These are my precious!! Sorry if the spelling is not as good as you are use to! Im from Puerto Rico!! I hope you understand everything im writing!!

My 20gal tank is the one that has the DIY leds and I love them!! i have 10 cree xpg cool white. Plus dimmier and all that! And what you see is not even at whole power! But I wanted something good so I can put any plants to thrive! Plus i have rasboras, neon tetras, a platty or molly i dont know wich one is it, rainbows and cory cats!

The 36gal tank has 4 t5 bulbs! 2 10,000k whites and 2 reds 24w each! With the co2 system on a timer! Working good for now!!

Although I dont know much about plants, Any questions fell free!!!



20gal with DIY Leds!



My 36gal tank with pressurised co2 system!!


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If you could post a picture people can most likely tell you if it's a platypus or a Molly :). great looking tanks by the way.
Nice Rimless tank!!! How are those leds working and how much money and time did it take to make them?
Well im im running them with a 10k potentiometer soldered directly to the driver (three cables that go out from it)! And i have to say that the guys in reefledlights did it for me! And cause I did not wanted to have anything to do with soldering i bought them to connect the led stars with the bjb solderless connectors and ripple wide carclo optics!! They are really cool, bright, efficent and a very good experience as one of my first diy projects!! It cost me $170 with the shipping but im in puerto rico and the shipping was $35 i little too high but i learn from mistakes hahaha! Time wasnt really an issue but my father and I made the acrylic box before the light and that took less than an hour! And the leds are just marking where you want then in the aluminum so you can drill the holes! Then it was putting the thermal grease, after that, i used 2 screws for each led cause the bjb connectors have to holes! The wiring is very easy and the optic holders and the optics are even easier!! Im running them at a little more than half the power regulating the timmer!!


Acrylic box


The driver


2 pieces of aluminum marked already


The leds from + to -


Leds turned on


Hope you can see how it was all wired!

Talking about how much time the leds took me...i'll say about 3 to 4 hours!! Plus i know there might be a cheapest way to order them if you are in the continental US!
Thanks peyton!! And answering your question paulcm10, that is plain gravel! Just that it is kind of tiny rocks almost like sand and the thing i like about it is that that gravel have different colors on the same bag!! It has black some are light brown and some are white!! I did the laterite setup!! There are 6 bags of gravel! I used 3 then the laterite and then the other 3 bags of gravel! Of course im talking about the 20gal the one with the two woods on the middle! If its the other one you wanna know about then is the same gravel but all black! Plus i mixed it with some light brown gravel i had on that tank before cause i didnt washed it i just syphoned ( i know i missedspell that word but i dont know how to write it) plus the same process of gravel and laterite!! And if you are gonna do the same, i advice you to please rinse the gravel like 5 times and the laterite like 4 times too. Thats if you want a clear water the same day!! I was surprised of how much dirty water was coming out of them!!

Gravel from the 20gal


I forgot to say that this light brown gravel are a bit larger than the black one too and this is my 36gal bowfront


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I seriously love your rimless tank and your tetras in that tank! Amazing!
they look great. good job. i wish i could aquascape like that
Thank you!! And you know what? I have another rimless but that one is 36gal too! Its the same 20gal but bigger obviously! Its just that I found one day that it was licking from the silicone seal of the bottom and i had to buy the 36gal bowfront! But i paid $60 to a guy here in puerto rico to fix it and he did!! And im thinking in re make it on the rimless! What do you all think i should do?? Cause the things i like about the bowfront is that it is a taller tank and that there is no risk of the fish jumping out of the tank! But the clarity of the rimless is way better plus the whole look is better! And the rimless has more depth and is longer! What should i do??


This is how it looked before i had to repair it!!
You know it is not that difficult!! You just have to be able to buy different plants appealing to your eye! Make water changes once a week and have people in your petshop to really care about customers! Cause some people are just working and others love what they do every day!
I bought the gravel here in puerto rico in a petshop close to my work place! And the tank too!!
My 36gal rimless tank with the stand was $350 and my 20gal rimeless was $89 alone! The 36g bowfront was $125 with the filter
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