My kribs had babies!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 24, 2012
I have been noticing my female was missing for a while and my male was very aggressive. Well I came home today to put some java moss in the tank and there they were! I can't see them all but there are at least 20, maybe 30. I thought kribs had more fry, is 20 a low number? They are just SO cute! I feel like a mommy! Any instructions or advice would be much appreciated!
Sorry, no advice here but congrats!!!! They must feel super happy in their home hehe. Do post pics if/when you can!
It's really hard to get a good pic of them, hope you can see them!

It's really hard to get a good pic of them, hope you can see them!

They are so adorable! With their eyes hehe. I wonder what colours they will be. Hope someone with experience will see this and give you answers!
If it's their first spawn this is normal. as they grow and become more experienced, the number of fry should increase.
I bought them from my LFS as a breeding pair and I know they bred at least once before. They are growing now and are pretty big for a week old. Their rummy's are pink as they eat food and their eyes are getting bigger! You can also see their back fun forming, their too cute!
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