my poor apistogramma agazzisi on his last limbs... pics included

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 31, 2011
he went from this

to this in-

a matter of a week. he has passed away and want to treat the rest of the tank... what did he have? and how should i treat this?
i really don't know what your fish had but i know how it feels to lose a fish. so sorry. some very good advice i got is don't treat a tank until you know what you are treating. are the other fish showing signs of the same illness? if not, i would do a big water change and just wait and see if anything shows up on the other fish. remember that frequent and regular water changes are the best defense against disease. also make sure that your water parameters are correct. good luck. :)
he went from this

to this in-

a matter of a week. he has passed away and want to treat the rest of the tank... what did he have? and how should i treat this?

IM not 100% sure but it looks fungal, I had the same thing in my tank. One of my fish was on the verge of dying but then I medicated the tank with Tetra fungus tabs and he survived! He is swimming happily in my tank downstairs. It looks like dropsy, im not sure though. If I were you I would buy some and medicate the entire tank to kill any strains that might be left. :thanks::thanks:
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