My Shubunkin has an abnormal growth? ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 14, 2014
I bought my goldfish in July ... About 2weeks later we noticed he has grown an abnormal growth from where he poops it looks like a rectal prolapse ? I though possibly an anchor worm thing... But looks as through if I tried to pull it out it'd pull out his insides? I've done loads of research and can't find anything.. The poo comes out of this ... It's pink and gets longer as he pops and shortens again once he's finished? I want to add more Shubunkin in with him but obviously can't until I know he isn't diseased or ill... Please help !!!
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Sami ????? I ? My ?
Hey.. No it's defiantly not poo.. It's there 24hours a day every day... As I've explained his poo goes through this and comes out of this.. It shorten and lengths whilst he is pooing... It's a see through pink.. You can see the poo coming out through it..??
Never thought I'd say poo so much ??

Sami ????? I ? My ?
I've got to say an intestinal or rectal prolapse. My female guppy had one, her intestines literally fell out. She then started swimming upside down and died soon after.

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It honestly looks like a prolapsed anus.

Could you call a vet and ask whether they might recommend something? Surgery might be possible if it is within your budget.

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I've got to say an intestinal or rectal prolapse. My female guppy had one, her intestines literally fell out. She then started swimming upside down and died soon after.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice

Sorry to hear that ?
How long did it take? Coz he seems to be doing good..

Sami ????? I ? My ?
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