my tank has ich need help to cure my fishes

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 11, 2009
I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 inverts (tiger cucumber fish and a spotted linckia starfish). My fishes are 1 hawaiian spotted blenny, 1 yellow tang, 1 cleaner fish, 1 hawkfish (going back to the pet shop because its chasing my blenny), 1 dwarf coral beauty angel fish, 2 clownfishes, 1 golden dwarf eel. I noticed 4 or 5 days ago my cleaner wrasse was scratching against the rocks and sand then soon after I noticed that my blenny and 1 of my clownfish is scratching, now tonight I saw some white spots on the coral beauty and my clownfishes. What do I do from here? What caused the ich in my tank? How do I treat the fishes because I have some live rock and 2 inverts in the tank. In about 2 weeks I will be placing more cured live rock in my tank. What do I do. I don't have a quarantine tank. If I do set up a quarantine tank do I need a chiller for it. Or can I just setup saltwater in a bucket and put an air stone for quarantine? The nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia are zero, and the PH is 8.0
Please help me before it will get worse and my fishes die.

Hopefully one of the mods will move this to the sick saltwater fish forum were someone will know more about treating saltwater fish than I do.
My sisters tank had ich (yes it sucks). Her tank is fresh water though. Within 3 days most of her fish were gone. We bought a powder to get rid of it but i dont know if the same goes for salt water.
What caused the ich in my tank?

The parasite is in your tank thus the break out but the reason it has spread so quickly is because your tank is way overstocked. The fish are on high stress causing a low immune system and IMO unless you get the tank emptied out alot of those fish wont make it. As far as the parasite and how to treat read this

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure: A Quarantine Tank for Everything by Steven Pro -

Marine Ich/Cryptocaryon irritans - A Discussion of this Parasite and the Treatment Options Available, Part I by Steven Pro -

Marine Ich/Cryptocaryon irritans - A Discussion of this Parasite and the Treatment Options Available, Part II by Steven Pro -

ATJ's Marine Aquarium Site - Reference - Hyposalinity Treatment
I have an extra 20 gallon fish tank to make as my quarantine tank and was wondering if i need a chiller for a quarantine tank because my main display tank has a chiller reads as 77 degrees. The temperature here gets about 80 degrees during the day and 77 at night. Would they be fine without a chiller in the quarantine tank?
IMO, yes they would be okay. Try to get the water the same temp when you transfer the fish. So 77 degrees must be in the morning, Do it then. You would not need a chiller as the higher temp would speed up the disease process which wouuld help make the meds more effective.
IMO, yes they would be okay. Try to get the water the same temp when you transfer the fish. So 77 degrees must be in the morning, Do it then. You would not need a chiller as the higher temp would speed up the disease process which wouuld help make the meds more effective.
You would need to have a small sponge filter to help setup your cycle. Keep close tabs on ammonia and nitrite readings and do PWC as needed to keep that at 0.
Agree with TC that a chiller should not be needed. Make sure you read that first link I gave you.

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