My tank is on it's way...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2008
Ontario, Canada
My ammonia has dropped to 0, my Nitrites have spiked to 5, and my nitrates are going up and currently sitting at 10 :D woohoo I think I'm getting somewhere! So within the next week or 2 I should see increased Nitrates, and decreased Nitrites right?
yes your right. but Zagz is right in asking you if you are still adding an ammonia source? something like alittle fish food or something.
Yesterday ammonia, nitrates and nitrites all tested zero. So i did a 50% water change and now....i'm done? Am i safe for fish now? And my one fake silk plant has some brown colouration on it's leaves...I think I read somewhere nitrate/nitrite poisoning can leave fish with brown fins, so is this colouring on the plant from when those levels were high? Or is it something else entirely?
may be algea, or a diatom bloom sometimes happens right after you cycle is complete. As long as you are getting a 0 on the test. Are you using strips or liquids to test?
For a FW tank you should have nitrates if you're adding an ammonia source (unless you've been doing significant PWCs). Generally I think the 'guideline' is to see around 10ppm nitrates to confirm your tank 'cycled'-- as a lot of tap waters will have a few ppm of nitrates.

A silk plant, not being living, wouldn't get poisoning (the dark fins you're talking about)... likely algae.
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