My weather loach is missing

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 25, 2012
Have a weather loach in my 56 gallon tank that I haven't seen in almost 24 hours. I know he didn't get out. The tank is completely sealed off. There are sole ornaments he could be hiding inside. But is it normal for them to hide for this long?
they can and will burrow. if your alarmed i recommend picking up any decorations and moving stuff around, mine like to dig under the driftwood in my tank
Thanks. I found him. I finally broke down and moved ornaments and he was hiding. But as soon as I got everything set again he had again disappeared. I just got him yesterday so I'm not real familiar w/ their behavior yet. But idk y he is so intent on hiding. Could he be depressed because he is alone?
they usually like a school of 4-6 tend to like to burrow and lay on plants as they get older they come out more, to my knowledge they don't breed in captivity, lol i don't know if u know this, they can fart lol. they have a great personality i recommend getting a small school they are very social fish and are usually the first in my tank to come say hi.
Ok thanks. He had a tank mate when we got him. I'm gonna go tomorrow and get him. Hopefully they'll still be buddies. I only want to get 1 more because I don't want to overcrowd the tank
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