Mystery eggs!

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Shetland James

Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 18, 2010
Hello all,

I came back from work today and found a small clump of clear eggs and I've not a clue what they are, although I'm 99% sure they are eggs as they are sticking onto the piece of coral and they're spherical with a light/yellowish dot inside.

In my tank, I have (egglayers...)

1 Ram gender unknown presumed male
1 pair Neons
1 pair Cobalts

See the pic here:

Any help? :D
UPDATE: there's more than one clump. They other is also see-through but looks to be covered in a clear sort of mass.

UPDATE 2: Might be snail eggs... doh
In Shetland the water seems to be naturally acidic. When I was cycling my tank it was sitting at 6 and not budging. Coral has taken it to 7.
Well isn't that depressing. I figured that my tank was a bit fish-busy for eggs to be just sitting there. Wish that my fish would eat them. I'll have to squash them or wash them off later on.

On a lighter note, I've managed to save 6 guppy fry and there's another 2 in the tank. Creché tank is a-go-go!
Why squish them? snails are a great clean-up crew, as you may know, and they don't do harm! If I were you, I would be happy. I would go get a container as a make-shift aquarium and plop 'em in there! Now, run along and do just that! There are also many people looking to buy snails- like me! haha. :D
Suck them out with a gravel vac... If they're laid out almost like a half moon, you've got yourself pond snails. Get rid of them while you can or you'll never get rid of them.
Suck them out with a gravel vac... If they're laid out almost like a half moon, you've got yourself pond snails. Get rid of them while you can or you'll never get rid of them.
Well, he would only have pond snails if he added something new to the tank. If he's had this tank for a while without trouble, then they should be eggs from his snails- not pond snails. :shocked!:
IME pond snails are horrible clean up crews

If they start multiplying, I would advise getting an assassin snail , as it will eat the other snails
IME pond snails are horrible clean up crews

If they start multiplying, I would advise getting an assassin snail , as it will eat the other snails
Yup. An assassin snail eats the smaller snails, then eventually dies itself. It's like getting a garbage bag that stuffs itself. All you have to do is throw it out.
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