Mystery Snail babies

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 27, 2012
So about a month ago my mystery snail started laying clutches of eggs. I was told they cannot breed without a mate. I was pulling down the clutches and throwing them away since I only had one snail. I did not notice one behind the filter and I now have at least 35 baby snails. How did this happen? My tank is only a 30 gallon. The babies are a few weeks old now and getting larger. I love having them in the tank and figure I will sell some when they big enough to move without hurting. Since having them my tank water is so much clearer and the glass is so much clearer. Am I going to have to watch for an increase in amonia or anything like that? Also why wont my snail stop laying eggs. She lays about one clutch every 1-2 days. Last month I threw out 18 clutches. In October I have had another 9. Is this normal?
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