Nano tank KH and GH levels

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 15, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
I am looking for some assistance with maintaining appropriate KH and GH levels in my 6 gallon freshwater tank. I have running my tank for just short of a year now with 7 Galaxy Rasbora (Danio margaritatus) and just recently added 1 Zebra Nerite Snail to handle a recent algae bloom. In all honesty, since starting my tank I have only recently been testing for KH and GH. I stuck to pH, Ammonia, NitrIte and NitrAte for a long time since that is what I understood.

I just tested the tank water with the liquid API test solutions and came up with 35.8ppm KH (2 dKH) and 143.2ppm GH (8 dGH).

Since starting the tank I have used tap water from two apartments. I never tested the tap water for KH and GH in my last apartment but my current tap water reads 35.8ppm KH (2 dKH) and 35.8ppm GH (2 dGH).

So if I understand this correctly, I currently have soft tap water at the low end of the ideal specifications for the galaxies (dGH – 3-15; dKH – 1-5) but my current tank water is at acceptable levels?? Should I try to adjust the levels and if so, how?
I wouldn't mess with it. Your parameters should be more than adequate for most common species of FW fish.
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