Natural co2 system for small tank??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2006
I have a 12 gallon nano tank planted still cycling and the plants are all doing great (one faded out tiger lotus from Petco looking much better already! ...only $1.99 too!) :D I have been thinking about getting a small Co2 system but am not looking to spend too much and have seen some different brands of natural Co2 systems which use the process of fermention of sugar to produce Co2 they are about the same price as far as I have seen...about 20.00 for the fermentation chamber and bubble bar?? Anyone ever used these and if so which brand?? Red sea makes one Hagen or Nutra fin another and there is one other that has escaped my mind. I know they can't be that accurate but I am not looking for outstanding growth...I have good lights and will be getting aquasoil soon and since its a small tank I'll be pruning back alot anyway often but just want nice healthy plants and eventually fish too! Thanks in advance!

i would say go with diy its the cheapest way just get a 2L bottle but 2 cups of water 1/4 of a tsp of yeast and 2 cups of sugar in warm water but make sure you mix the sugar and yeast in separate hot water till there dissolved then add them and the fill the bottle to the neck with luke warm water. then get silicone air tubing and poke a hole in the top of the lid stick in the tube use aquarium seleant to seal the liuttle leafs and put it into a a co2 ladder or other diffuser i should only cost around $10.good luck
Basically those systems are DIY CO2 in a pretty package with a small CO2 generating chamber. You're better off building your own as ryan has suggested. This is a great article that is very detailed about how to construct your own. Keep in mind that the CO2 levels recommended in the article are on the conservative side and you'll probably want to run more bottles than recommended to get to the 30ppm recommended around here. Definately run two bottles so that you can get the benefits of steadier CO2 production by alternating when the mix is changed out in each bottle. This may mean running two 1 Liter bottles instead of a single 2 Liter bottle.
DIY is awesome. and sooo very simple. the best way to go for a small tank like yours. any specific questions u have regarding it just feel free to post. i just never understood those stupid articles lol. maybe i am slow though. i want to see some pics!!! oh and

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