Natural Mbuna tank.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 10, 2012
North Carolina
Hello everyone. I have a 75 Mbuna tank, that currently has a bunch of fry, so I have a bunch of fake plants, but as the Cichlid grow I want to make the tank look more Natural, as far as rocks, maybe some driftwood. Anyone recommend the best stones to use, a combination of a few.. All large or small or anything. Thanks. Here is my tank as of now. (My goal is to get it to look as good as Convicts)


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garfy said:
Your tank looks pretty good already to me

Thank you.. I actually like it a lot.. & I am satisfied with it, but when I see more 'natural' tanks.. I like them better.. But for me I can't go out & buy everything at once, so I've got a small pile of lace rock under tank waiting for more rocks in general.. I just would like driftwood & rocks.. A few real ferns.. The neon plants are cool & added color while I waited til I could get my cichlids.. But I like the natural look.. Thanks again..
I use lace rock in mine, but texas holey rock, lava rock, rainbow rock, river rock, slate and sandstone work good for african tanks.

I have java ferns, anubias, java moss and bolbitus fern in mine.
Ocean rock is nice when aged,have only ocean rock in my Mbuna tank ;-) gives the fry a chance of surviving,with the holes being all different sizes ;-) here see what you think


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Dean jones said:
Ocean rock is nice when aged,have only ocean rock in my Mbuna tank ;-) gives the fry a chance of surviving,with the holes being all different sizes ;-) here see what you think

I have some lace stacked under tank, waiting til I can get more.. & nice tank.. I love the fork with food.. Ha. The white rock doesn't look to bad on the white sand.. I think I'd prefer black sand then.. But it looks really good..
I have a 70 gallon aquarium with Tahitian moon sand in,painted sides & back with black paint ;-) loads of river boulders...Keeping it for grow out tank...
Dean jones said:
I have a 70 gallon aquarium with Tahitian moon sand in,painted sides & back with black paint ;-) loads of river boulders...Keeping it for grow out tank...

I only painted the back of mine.. & smooth river rock? Cool.. What do you breed?
mfdrookie516 said:
Well, if you want to try and replicate lake Malawi, you'll want to take out the plants. You also won't see much in the way of driftwood down there either, at least, I've never seen it in any videos of the lake.

Here are some videos I found that might give you some ideas.

lake malawi membe reef - YouTube#!

Malawi Lake - YouTube

I know I'll have to take out the plants.. I have 40 fry in there now.. So the plants help.. Also I've noticed some of the fish sleep in the plants resting on the leaves.. Which is funny.. But what I'd like is a ton of rocks & a long/thin piece of driftwood or some sort of root for my plecos, Not a whole lot of dw. Thanks for the videos.
This is what mine looked like when I had it. Nothing special, just a bunch of creek rock and PFS.


mfdrookie516 said:
This is what mine looked like when I had it. Nothing special, just a bunch of creek rock and PFS.

That looks good.. Lol, where did ya find creek rocks that good? I've looked everywhere here.. Ha. Also, idk how this would look, & idk what the rocks are called, the concrete looking rocks people put near drains or pipes to keep the water from eroding the dirt.. You think just regular rocks like that would look good? With just a mix of lace rock?
Dean jones said:
Ocean rock is nice when aged,have only ocean rock in my Mbuna tank ;-) gives the fry a chance of surviving,with the holes being all different sizes ;-) here see what you think

A bit off topic here...but I'm wondering about using ocean rock on a fresh water tank...can we do that? Is it the same as base rock? I like the look of it allot...but have always thought there must be salt in all those holes.....? Thanks! :)
My ocean rock is in my freshwater Mbuna tank,just remember that ocean rock is a good buffer for African cichlids.I have coral sand also which buffers the PH ;-)
mfdrookie516 said:
A creek... haha.

Everyone has their own definition of 'natural'. If it makes you happy, go for it.

Creeks around here don't have crap in it.. Lol.. & yeah.. I'd rather have natural, but I'm sure those are easily available & cheaper.. Lol. Just a thought..
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