need 1-2 more fish- suggestions?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2006
I have a very peaceful community tank, but most of my fish are ground-dwellers. I only have two very large platies and 4 small rummynoses that take up swimming space 9and the rummys like to hide in the plants).

I am probably VERY close to my bioload limit, but would like to add just 1-2 larger peaceful fish to add some colour and take up some middle-space.

Any suggestions?
20 G

2 platies
2 panda cories
1 oto (maybe one on the way)
1 BN pleco
4 small rummynoses
2 kuhli loaches
2 mystery snails
I thought rainbowfish needed more room than provided by a 20G ? I was advised against them when I was contemplating them for my 29G. Or did you mean dwarf neon rainbows ?
joannde said:
I thought rainbowfish needed more room than provided by a 20G ? I was advised against them when I was contemplating them for my 29G. Or did you mean dwarf neon rainbows ?
Many rainbows need more room than a 20g, but not all. The dwarf neon's threadfin's, and forktail's are some of the ones that stay small enough.
They do best in schools of 4+ (per species).
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