Need advice on getting a new tank after few years of not having one.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 23, 2014
I had a 45g FOWLR tank a few years ago but had to get rid of it because I had to sell the house and move for work. Now I own a house again and will be set for a few years so I decided I want another tank.

I am going to do a 75g(ish) display tank with a 18g(ish) sump. I plan on starting with LR and live sand but will eventually want to do some coral.
I have never used a sump before so here is where my questions come in:

I plan on getting:
Red Sea Reefer 350 system
EHEIM Compact+ Pump 3000
2 x 150w Heaters

When using a sump do you put the heaters in the sump or DT? I would want them hidden so I dont have to look at them.

Anyone have any recommendation on a good/QUIET in sump protein skimmer? Also any recommendation on lighting is appreciated. I would like programmable LED, considering the 36Watt Orbit LED by Current. Any thought/opinions on that one?

Thanks for any advice
I keep my skimmer in the sump and also my 2 heaters , less clutter in the tank
my sump is view-able yes a eye sore I never added the doors I originally planned
I myself wish I could find a quiet pump everyone I found start out quiet but get louder in time . I use a 30g tank for a sump with my 90g I like to know if theirs a power outage and I have back up into the sump it don't overflow .
that light would be a concern if your wanting coral I don't think it would have enough penetration into a 75g tank .
I use a pair of these over a 90 and never had a complaint.
WiFi Dimmable Full Spectrum 165W LED Aquarium Light Fish Tank Reef Coral | eBay
Heaters are great to have in the sump and out of the main tank but make sure it will fit... mine does not.

I use a Bubble-Magus curve 5 skimmer in the sump and it is silent

For lighting I am using a Current Ramp Timer pro. its programeble and all with a remote but is too small for my 95 gallon so I combined it with cheaper light as well that is on a shorter schedual. it works great with my star plolyps and all the fish how ever somthings up with a few of my other corals so maby you shouldeng listen to me about lighting. the skimmers great though!ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1474214087.887303.jpg

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