Need advice on what fish to get

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 22, 2003
Okay - I seem to have stabilized my tank again. All female guppies & platies have died leaving me with 2 male guppies and 3 male platies and 1 chinese marble algae eater. I treated with antibiotics.

(As for the worm thing :?: I think I was dreaming they are not there anymore, but gave another dose of dewormer anyways)

Anyways - what do I get? I will go buy fish next week hopefully.

I only have a 20 gallon tank, I can't afford to make a male:female ratio of 1:3 for every fish. Do I have to take some males back? I'd hate to do that.

Can I leave all males? Try new species? I got guppies and platies because they were supposed to be hardy.

I don't want anymore fish to die. Please help if you could.

Wow AJ, you've got more males than anyone can handle, LOL!

Will your LFS do a trade? If you still want guppies and platies, you could trade some of the males and achieve a 1M:3F ratio for each type, leaving you with 8 you'd have room to add other kinds.

As for having just all males...I'm not sure about that...I don't know how aggressive these fish can get with all males. Too bad you can't neuter fish ;-)

If you have been putting meds in your water, I think you'll need to do major water changes and adding the carbon back to your filter media to get all the meds out, long before you add more fish. You'll want to test your water a bunch, too.

Good luck!
You can throw in a few cory cats but I will leave the tank to recover for a while as you research all the wonderful suggestions from other members here.

However, i do want to advise you against getting female guppies as they breed often and it is difficult knowing what to do with all the babies. Most LFS will not take them in. Male guppies are ok together and not aggressive. Actually if there is no female in the tank, they will continue to display themselves to each other.
LondonGman said:
Actually if there is no female in the tank, they will continue to display themselves to each other.

I have 5 male guppies and no females.... I affectionately refer to them as "The Village People." 8O

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