Need Author/Book Recommendation...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 14, 2005
Louisville, KY

I work about 30 miles from home, so I spend a lot of time in the car. Since modern radio is teh crap, I prefer to listen to audio books. Currently, I'm waiting for book 7 in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series (highly recommended!).

While I'm waiting for that, I'm also waiting for the last book in Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth series. Neither of these books will be in my hands any time soon, so I'm looking for somethings in the meantime.

I picked up the original Starship Troopers and Clive Barker's Galilee yesterday and they'll last about a week... but then what?

As you can see, I'm a Stephen King fan (most of all), followed not so closely by Clive Barker. Following that are random fantasy authors, Terry Goodkind being one, as well as Marc Anthony and a few of the Dragonlance authors.

That said, does anyone have any ideas as to authors I would possibly enjoy? Or even any good books you've enjoyed a lot?

(Boy do I like to type/ramble!)

tia -
I am a huge King fan so yeah, anything he wrote. But, I also love Ann Rice. Try any of the Vampire Chronicles or any of the witch series. You can't loose. :D
Try out Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card. Card is a fabolous writer, he writessci fi with very real and human characters.

If you enjoy fantasy, Piers Anthony has some good books. There is he Xanth Series (loved when I was in middle/high school, but out grew them). They are about a fantasy land that looks alot like FL and is full of puns (ie. Butterflies... are pieces of toast with butter on them that flap around, money really does grow on trees... and like I mentioned before, cute stuff, but the puns got old).

Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series is also worth checking out. Its about the different aspects of the world (Death, Nature, War, Time, Evil, God) as offices that are filled by real people. Very entertaining read!

You mentioned that you like fantasy, check out JK Rowling's Harry Potter series. Don't believe the hype, its not just for kids. The books are well written and they are really cool!!!!

If you are looking for a more tongue in cheek look at the world of fantasy try John Moore's Heroics for Beginners. He takes a new approach to the old fairy tale.

Of course there the Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. A very quick read and thought provking.

You mentioned that you like Clive Barker, have you read his latest "young adult" series. The first one is Arabat (I think that is the right spelling). I read it, and found some of the images very weird (he also did all of the artwork in the book). You may enjoy and there is also a sequal that is already out, so you can get two in a row without waiting!

For more investation type novels be sure to pick up Patricia Cornwell (just start at the beginning with them, she follows the Medical Examiner of Richmond throughout her one series), John Case has a few good books as well. And don't forget John Grisham too (a lot of his books have become movies).

Michael Crichton has some good books as well (author of Jurassic Park, Sphere and a bunch of others that have already become movies!). He takes current things that are possible with science and then expands on them and takes them to the extreme.

I really didn't intend to ramble on for so long! But you have hit upon one of my loves. I'm always on the lookout for a good book, please feel free to let me in on some of your favorites.
I like anything by Kurt Vonnegut, but his books have doodles in it, that add to the humor. So I dunno if it would be a good book on tape.
Have you read the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time books? I don't know if they are on tape or not.

I second the recommendation of Patricia Cornwell, I have read everything she has written. Incredible. I also like Robin Cook for the medical thrillers, and along the Stephen King lines, Dean Koontz in a sure winner.

Happy :)
You could also try Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Jaws by Peter Benchley, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, etc. Maybe I'm overdoing it with the aquatic themes :lol:
Wow - thanks for all the ideas!

I've read some Anne Rice and it somehow didn't sit well with me, but that was a long time ago. Perhaps my attention span has increased. :p

Maybe I should have to read your post onto tape and I could listen to it, Ayesha97. :lol: I've read most all Clive Barker I've found but was unaware he had a new series out... have to look into that. I've had lots of people recommend the Harry Potter series - including family - so there's that if nothing else. If only those had come out while I was in middle school, I might be a wizard now. :p

Robert Jordan Wheel of Time is available - I've looked at them and considered them, but something else always caught my eye... as of yet. :)

I tried to read LotR and it drove me crazy - get out of the Elven town already! :frown: :lol: Perhaps on tape it would be more bearable... I did like the Hobbit quite a bit...

I think I read all Dean Koontz had out up until about 5 years ago... his books always seemed to formulaic: man meets woman, who either has an extraordinary pet or child, and then they somehow wind up running from some ultimate evil... has that changed? ;p

Oh haha, gheitman. :D

Jeez, what a reply!

I wanted to clarify something, in hopes that more replies will come. By fantasy, perhaps I should have said 'fantastical'... like Clive Barker is to John Grisham, get me?

Not so much sword and sorcery (although I do enjoy that as well) but moreso the weirdly supernatural. :shrug:

All suggestions are welcome and thanks again! :)
OK, don't hate me, this is JMHO, but for the love of God please don't pick up the Wheel of Time. It's good, but about 4 books too long (so far, at this point there is no end in sight).

I agree with most of the other authors, I haven't read them all though. I just finished the first of the Harry Potter books, it is excellent writing. One author I can contribute is Terry Pratchett and his DiscWorld series. He's a brilliant satirical writer who writes stories that center around a fantasy word called, you guess it, Disc World. The first book in the series is called The Color of Magic. I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, but his writing transcends genres.

As far as the particular type of book you're looking for, Dean Koontz is really good. As a matter of fact I have a tattoo of one of his book covers! (click on the book for a closeup of the pic)

Some of my favorites are Dragon Tears, Intensity, Ticktock, and Dark Rivers of the Heart. A lot of his novels are also on audio.
Lee Child - The Jack Reacher Books are some of my favorites

W.E.B. Griffin is my favorite author, but I like military fiction. Also, they are read by Michael Russato and Michael Prichard who could read dictionaries and I would listen.

Robert B Parker - Spenser Novels are fantastic

James Lee Burke - Robecheux series are very interesting and provide a great perspective on the Bayou in LA.

Navada Barr - Anna Pigeon series. They become a little cookie cutter after a couple of them, but they are interesting and each one takes place in a different national park and gives some interesting information about them.

Stewart Woods - Stone Barrington series

David Handler - Hoagy series

My wife loved V.C. Andrews - Dollenganger series

Most of these (except W.E.B. Griffin) are detective stories, it's my cup of tea. These are all great series and well read for Books-on-Tape.
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