Need help on a 180 gallon tank.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 10, 2006
i recently moved into a flat that has a 180 gallon saltwater tank with a big rock. the water is clean and clear and the fish all look healthy. but the sides of the wall are covered in algea so i was wondering what is the best way to clean the sides. there are baby starfish all over the sides and i don't want to hurt them. i got a magnet but thats taking longer than i thought, and i can't get into certain spots because of the rock being in the way. it also knocked down a few starfish if anyone can give some crash advice for someone who has no idea what she's doing. maintence was not the previous owners strong point. and i'd like to keep the tank because i've always wanted one.

thanks in advance!
Welcome to the site! You can get an aquarium scraper, which fits into tighter spots and also is tougher on caked on algae, etc. Knocking off the stars, snails, etc will not hurt them as long as youre not too rough while doing so. Wow, youre place came with a 180? Nice!

I just use a plastic paint scrapper.
How long do you run your lights, how often/what do you feed?

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