Need help startin planted aquarium!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 4, 2012
Need help starting a planted discus tank. I was wondering what substrate I should use? What is the best fertilizers to use? What's the best lighting? What would be the best plants? I don't want to use co2 because a system is too expensive for me. I have a 75 gallon tank.
If you want to start out with something easy. I would say your plants should be like java fern, annubias, stem plants like ludwigias or hygrophilas, and maybe some watev wisteria or vallisneria. For substrate, fluorite or Eco complete is good. You could also go with sand and root tabs with maybe a layer of unscented kitty litter at the bottom.
On thing you need to bear in mind is that discus need to be kept at higher temps (83-84F) from my understanding. Many plants will not do well at such high temps so you need to research what plants tolerat higher temps. Here are some I know will do high temps: Green temple (Hygrophilia corymbosa), Narrowleaf Green temple (Hygro Corymbosa 'Siamensis'), Cryptocoryne wendtii (green, red, bronze), Cryptocoryne crispatula Balansae, Amazon Sword (Echinodorus Bleheri), Ozelot Sword (Echinodorus Ozelot), Dwarf Subulata (Sagittaria subulata), Green and Red Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea zenkeri), most of the Vallisneria's, Java Fern and Moss, Crinum Calimistratum and Natans. I'm sure there are others but these are the one's I know of. I prefer an organic soil substrate capped with eco-complete. With as nutrient rich as the two combined are you can grow anything in it. The same goes for suitable tankmates... many fish will not flourish in such high temps so you have to research which ones will work on the front also. One fish that also loves those higher temps are German Blue Rams.
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