Need help. Things are getting out of hand!!!

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Well one of the clowns seems very weak. I hope he pulls through as he is swimming then crashing on the bottom, getting up again and crashing again.

The tang won't come out of the corner however is feeding. They're all eating except the weak clown.

I'm off to get some PVC pipes if I can find some as currently they have no where to hide.


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Well this was the worse idea I've ever done. The fish should have stayed in the tank until such a time the filter was cycled. Daily water changes are not enough to remove the ammonia the fish produce. Even doing 75% water changes will leave small amounts of ammonia.

Well I've lost 3 fish because of it and I've removed the 2 that seem to be deteriorating and put them back into the display tank. I've left the damsels in there.

I strongly recommend against this method of treatment for ich unless you want to severely p**s yourself off and loose a load of fish and have half a day for how ever many weeks it takes to do water changes, tests, dose etc. if you choose this method you are either as stupid as I am or have enough experience and time on your hands to pull it off. Otherwise stick to what we've all been taught from day one...... DON'T PUT YOUR FISH THROUGH THE STRESS AND POISON OF AMMONIA DUE TO AN UNCYCLED TANK.

I have a couple of fish left now and they're not looking great. If they die I may just give up this hobby all together and it will be pretty much due to so many people on forums and other websites with a million and one contradicting opinions.
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