Need help!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 23, 2013
About a week ago I bought 2 blackmoore fish. They looked fine when we put them in the tank but recently they have been floating near the top I fought they just had bloat. As days went past one the fish wouldn't swim so we have him a little nudge and was fine but soon after bAck at top. Bit woke up this morning to find on the fish on its side at the top of the tank looks dead but his moving his mouth but won't move his fins what's happening.

Ps I brought one blackmoore fish Few months ago and his fine xxxxx
Okay. It's just died. The other blackmoore we bought at same time is doing the same now so I wouldn't be surprised of he goes today aswell
Welcome to AA!! Can you please provide us with some more information so we can better help you? Tank size? Stocking? Exact numbers for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph? What your using to test (liquid or strips)? Is the tank cycled? How did you acclimate your fish? Thanks!
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