If you are thinking about keeping cichlids, you might want to consider adding another power filter and not use the
UGF. Personally I don't use the UGFs in any of my tanks, and if you keep cichlids they can dig the substrate up and expose the
UGF. I have a 55 gallon tank with a severum, a firemouth, a convict, 3 tiger barbs, 3 green barbs, and a sailfin pleco. I use an Emperor 280 and an Emperor 400 and this combination works great for me! If you keep cichlids it is best to turn the water over at least 10 times per hour, they are very messy fish but so entertaining! I don't mean to second-guess you, but I have heard of a lot of people keeping cichlids that had
UGF disasters so I just wanted to pass this along. Good luck!!
*edited to spell good luck correctly*