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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 28, 2004
Palm Bay, Florida
I just set up my new 56 Gal tank. It has a Bio-wheel 280, 2 aquaclear 30 powerheads for undergravel filter, heater. I have some Tetras in right now for cycling, which is almost done. Now I can't decide what to put in it. I was thinking of making it a Cichlid tank, but I'm not sure. Any ideas would help. TIA
If you are thinking about keeping cichlids, you might want to consider adding another power filter and not use the UGF. Personally I don't use the UGFs in any of my tanks, and if you keep cichlids they can dig the substrate up and expose the UGF. I have a 55 gallon tank with a severum, a firemouth, a convict, 3 tiger barbs, 3 green barbs, and a sailfin pleco. I use an Emperor 280 and an Emperor 400 and this combination works great for me! If you keep cichlids it is best to turn the water over at least 10 times per hour, they are very messy fish but so entertaining! I don't mean to second-guess you, but I have heard of a lot of people keeping cichlids that had UGF disasters so I just wanted to pass this along. Good luck!! :D

*edited to spell good luck correctly* :oops:
Yeah buy another power filter or a HOB filter cichlids and UGF filters dont mix for your size tank i reccomeend going with a Lake Malawi Mbuan Cichlid setup they have striking colors and are so fun to watch visit this link.

Go to Profiles and select Lake Malaiw and Mbuna. Then browse thorugh them and find the ones that u like.

Best of luck with your new tank :)

Post back with your results.

Dan :)
You could keep the UGF if you put some kind of plastic grate over it so the cichlids don't expose the plate. It seems that every time I go to my LFS there is at least one tank where cichlids have moved gravel and exposed the UGF plate. Personally I would go along with the other suggestions and get another power filter to hang on the back of your aquarium. UGF filters aren't the most efficient filtration and if you are going to have a planted aquarium then you definitely want to look at changing your setup.
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