Need to rant a little

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 21, 2012
When I joined this board I get raked over the coals my a few members for my tank size. One member would not shut up about it and I wasn't even asking a question about my tanks size. Nicely enough a mod stepped in and said that my size of tank they thought was not a bad size at all.

Now the part that really burns me good right now is this one member it now comes to light that she has the same friggin' size tank for the same fish. Are you kidding me. Some people really need to practice what they preach.

People it is very nice to help people out, this is a great forum to be a member of but some members can be very rude with their comments and when someone asks a question and it has nothing to do with tank size and you really don't know what your talking about please think before you speak. I have seen a few members up and leave this forum in the past month due to something like this happening and that shouldn't happen. This site is here to help others and educate them, not put them down or make them feel bad or what have you.

Thanks my rant is over now. Everyone have a great weekend. :)
now you need a shot of your favorite drink after that 1....ive gotten them type of replys but i just skip them if there not helping im not hope it gets better for ya
now you need a shot of your favorite drink after that 1....ive gotten them type of replys but i just skip them if there not helping im not hope it gets better for ya

Good ideas. And yes you have the right idea just to ignore those posts. ;)
Good ideas. And yes you have the right idea just to ignore those posts. ;)

I have only been a member roughly one month and have encountered one person making a rude comment after I specifically stated I was new to the topic I was questioning your head up...ignore those that have no cyber manners.....there are SO MANY on here that are very nice, helpful, and patient...I love AA...I do not even get on Facebook anymore since I became a member...:D
Ya my head is up high, they don't get to me at all. Just really peeves me off when after they treat you the way they do over tank size that is reasonable that they post about their own and it's the same size. No worries here I don't give a second of my time to people like that anyways time is too precious to waste it on people like that. :)

I know I have sometimes let members know that they should get a bigger tank but only when it warrants it and when they ask that question.
i just skip them if there not helping im not replying

This. If someone's just being an {mod edit} just to be one and doesn't offer help, I don't even bother with any sort of response or acknowledgement.

Most of us are here to learn!
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This is why there is the handy dandy report button.

If folks are getting too out of control, REPORT IT.

We all get notification and will handle the situation.
This is why there is the handy dandy report button.

If folks are getting too out of control, REPORT IT.

We all get notification and will handle the situation.

Yes and one of your mods was helpful and classy.. :). You's do a great job.
I've come across a few people like that on this forum, and I just ignore them. My opinion is that you can't change what they think, so why bother?
The thing about this forum is that it has so many members from different parts of the world and everyone does things a little differently. I am sorry if you had a bad experience here but it will happen from time to time. Because we are all human and headstrong about our passion with the hobby.
As stated you can report things, I have done it a few times myself.
Other things can be dealt with within the thread, if someone comes off as rude don't snap back with another rude comment. Just throw them a friendly reminder about tact. There is a great link to that on Dragonfish's signature :)

I have had people answer some of my questions in the past and the next poster after that was telling me not to listen to that advice. Instead of starting a fire I calmly replied "I appreciate that you don't care for his advice but instead of saying don't listen to him would you kindly explain why"
Sometimes a calm respectful response will get you farther down the road to seeking your answer.
If something is getting way to out of hand just get ahold of a mod and ask them to try and control the situation or maybe close the thread.
I know this reply seems drawn out lol and for that I'm sorry but just keep your chin up and brush it off.
Can I ask why this has been posted? Of course this is a community forum but like butterfly said people come from all over the world and have learned in different ways. Yu are bound to get this on any forum tbh. In my 2,469 posts ive nearly ever seen anyone being disrespectful or trolling. I do understand where you're coming from though. Some people do reply a bit rudely lol
+1 "like" and if their really bad posts, flag them

Please don't, actually. This isn't Facebook, it is a site where people can come to share experiences with fishkeeping. "+1", "following", "like", "bump" and other content-free posts not only clutter up the forum and make it more difficult for folks to find actual information, but are also against our community rules. From our community rules:
  • Stay on topic by keeping discussions relevant and on track.
  • Participants may not post or bump threads to pad post counts or to keep a thread active. Bumping is posting useless information, posting one-liners or other 'content-free' posts to deliberately keep a thread hot.

Feel free to use the "Thanks" button if you are on a computer. If you agree with a post, please take the time to explain your position. "+1" and similar posts add absolutely nothing to the discussion.
I've come across a few people like that on this forum, and I just ignore them. My opinion is that you can't change what they think, so why bother?

While it's true you can't change a person and how they think, if the reply comes off as completely rude, report it.

We can't change a person, but we can enforce the "be nice" rule.
Can I ask why this has been posted? Of course this is a community forum but like butterfly said people come from all over the world and have learned in different ways. Yu are bound to get this on any forum tbh. In my 2,469 posts ive nearly ever seen anyone being disrespectful or trolling. I do understand where you're coming from though. Some people do reply a bit rudely lol

Sometimes people need to get things off their chest and by posting it, hopefully the worst of the offenders will realize that "hey, this sounds like me".

Personally, I'm a big fan of calling someone out for their behavior, but I do play nice on here since it's a family site. :brows:
While it's true you can't change a person and how they think, if the reply comes off as completely rude, report it.

We can't change a person, but we can enforce the "be nice" rule.

yup. Most of the time, though, it's just that the facts seem to be staring the people in the face and they just ignore it. The majority of what I've come across is stuff like that, and not flat-out rudeness.
Just wanted to add, if there is anyone who needs help with the report function, please feel free to PM a moderator.
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