Needing reminders after a long break....

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 29, 2017
North Carolina
I was a member here a few years ago, but other interests took over (backyard chickens, wild birds, etc.) along with fish passings, and I broke down my tanks. I'm ready to start over and get back into this wonderful hobby. :)

The most favorite fish I ever owned was a dwarf puffer and I'm ready to get back into it. I have a bowfront 25-30 (not absolutely positive about the gallons) tank. I've decided that I want to develop a nicely planted tank for them first that has completely cycled, so that is where I am going to start. Just came here to familiarize myself with everything again and gain some more knowledge.

The one thing I keep getting VERY mixed messages on (not only here, but surfing the web in general) is whether or not dwarf puffers really need snails to keep their "teeth" trimmed. I'm reading very evenly yes and no to that question and it's frustrating. If I don't have to worry about it, then I will gladly keep puffers again, but I found it very hard to find snails at LFS - very few had enough to keep me in a good supply and I also tried "farming" my own and it just didn't work out.

Also - in a 25-30 gallon tank could I successfully keep one male and two females?

I think that's all the questions I have for now, but I'm sure I'll be back with more before taking the plunge. :fish2:
You could keep M/F/F in that size. Definitely get it well planted first, even if you put some fake plant in while your live plant grows.

Snails are not an absolute necessity with dwarfs, but it's still good for them to have them from time to time.

Maybe every now and then you could go up your lfs (preferably at a time when you know it'll be quiet), and ask them to fish you out some pest snails? Bladder snails seem to be an excellent choice, and usually found in abundance.

Perhaps even after going to lfs a few times, they'll get to know you and have a few ready for when you call by.
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