Neon Green Spot

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 27, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio
So on a couple of my of my danios I noticed there are neon green colored streaks on there spines right behind there heads. I tried looking up what disease this could be but found nothing. Any Ideas? Also I have a thing of Jungle Fungus Eliminator laying around so if this is some kind of fungus should I treat the whole tank there in? Or should I go pick up some Pimafix or Melafix and use that? And accidentally posted in general discussion sorry.
does it look like its ON them, or does it just look like the color changed right there? if it just looks like the color changed right there, i would think they're fine...prolly just changed color pattern...i remember back when i was in 8th grade i did some science project w/goldfish, just the feeder ones, where i fed them diff. foods and they grew color patterns and stuff.
Yeap, I agree with the above posters.

You'll find colors on fish you would never belive. For instance, my "yellow" panchax, when I turn the light on for the day he displays an extremly vibrant purple on his head, which gradually goes back to the normal bright yellow.
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