New 29 gal set up

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 13, 2012
Hello all, I thought I would show my new 29 gal set up. I tired to give it a real look with what I had. I made 2 rock cave systems and put a plant carpet in the center. i also have a peive of drift wood in there. I moved my stock from my 10 gal. I have a marineland penguin 150 and a tetra wisper 10i for filtration. And a aqueon 100 watt heater.

2 tiger barbs
2 albino tiger barbs
1 moss green tiger barb
1 neon green tiger barb
1 German blue ram
1 knight goby
1golden dojo loach
1 clown pleco
Thank you for looking
Let me know what you think
Very pretty. You made good use of the materials you had on hand. I have a 29 gallon tank and a 100 watt Aqueon pro heater, so similar to your set up. Your fish will be much happier than they were in the 10. It is a big but gratifying change moving up in size. Best wishes on your new set up.(y)
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