New 40 Gallon FW

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 26, 2006
Baltimore, Maryland
Ok, I got a new 40 gallon... I am going to make it into a Brackish water tank but the fish i want (Figure 8 puffer) is very difficult to find. Actually this is why i am posting, I would really like some help finding this little puffer, or a different puffer but not the Indian Dwarf puffer. Thanks everyone.
fwiw, my lfs has them pretty much all the time, and i'm sure they would ship. if you don't have any luck closer to home, i can get their number for ya...
Ooooh, can you keep me updated on how your figure 8 tank setup goes? i was thinking about setting something up for one. Since they are a dwarf puffer i figured it would be a good way to learn about the species.

You might also find the June 2006 Practical Fishkeeping magazine handy: there is a really good article in there on "to salt or not to salt" for 'brackish' water fish. They recommend a S.G. of 1.005 for the tetrodon biocellatus.

Hope it goes well, and let me know!
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