New 55gal FW tank, Need Advice!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 16, 2011
I just started a 55gal FW tank, a new upgrade from my 10gal. I know all the basics but I'm lost when it comes to what type of filtration to buy and lighting. I currently have NO lighting and I want something thats bright and clear, not yellow. Also I was looking into buying a Fluval 305 canister filter, any good? I really need some good advice on these things, I want good quality but I'm also on a budget.
kissmyfish said:
I just started a 55gal FW tank, a new upgrade from my 10gal. I know all the basics but I'm lost when it comes to what type of filtration to buy and lighting. I currently have NO lighting and I want something thats bright and clear, not yellow. Also I was looking into buying a Fluval 305 canister filter, any good? I really need some good advice on these things, I want good quality but I'm also on a budget.

I'd recommend 405 instead, 305 offers not enough filtration for a 55. Well satifactory. You can buy a 48" florescant or t5 lighting, depending on your type of tank, planted or not. MH is also available, but you're on a budget
Hi and welcome to AA! :D

Are you planning on having live plants in your tank? If not, then a standard fixture w/ T8 bulbs should suffice, (although it may look a little "yellow"). Otherwise, a 48" T5 fixture w/ 1 Actinic bulb will make the colors really 'pop'! This is the fixture that I have over my 55g planted community tank and it works great! Although, I needed the full 56w for my plants so I changed out the Actinic w/ a 6700k bulb. But when I did have the Actinic bulb in there, it looked incredible!
If you want really white colors then go with 10000k bulbs, actinics are going to give it a blue color. Anywhere between 6500k-10000k is pretty good for white colors but the white gets more crisp as you get higher up in numbers, but past 10k it starts getting more and more blue.
When it comes to choosing filters you also need to consider what your bio-load will be. What type of fish are you planning on keeping and how many? Will your tank have real or artificial plants?
And this part is a personal preference, but I like having 2 filters on my tanks as do some other people. It helps keep my water crystal clear. I rarely need to rinse my filters, maybe three times a year. Not needing to mess with my filters and doing weekly PWC keeps the NitrAte levels stable.
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