New Australian Member

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 28, 2012
Newcastle, NSW Australia
Hi Everyone bit of a newby here in the aquarium world but reading as much as I can, including topics of no interest (at the moment), to better understand this hobby. Think I read 58 pages of this forum on Saturday night which sort of gives you an appreciation of how dedicated I am.

I've been browsing as a guest for some weeks and after looking at several forums, including those in Australia, decided to join here.

I inherited my aquarium (37 gallons - 140 litres) some weeks ago from the mother in law after they moved and didn't have any room in their new place. At that stage they had some wonderful Angels and a few Mollies but the setup wasn't to my liking so they all (bar 1 Mollie) got re-homed.

I've now got 6 TB's, 1 male Mollie and 4 females and things are going really well. No problems in getting them all settled into the tank and haven't had any major disasters which is a nice feeling. The TB's and the Mollies are actually getting on really well which I didn't think they would at first.

At the moment I have a sand substrate and a fake black rock (fairly sizeable - takes up probably 60% of the tank) in the centre of my tank with some live plants at the back. The plants are actually holding up really well with the sand substrate but I'm certain in the next 6 months that I'll look at changing my substrate to something more suitable. I try and create natural environments with a nice aesthetic. At the end of the day I try and do what is best for my fish and whilst having something that looks nice is ok I try to look after their interests.

That's probably it for now. Knowing me I'll change this setup again shortly and in the next few months I'll be in the market for a new in-tank filter and heater.
Welcome to AA glad to hear you've been doing a lot of reading. Lots of good information here.
Thanks Mumma.of.two. Nice to see another Aussie on here.

Just walked in the door. Running a bit late tonight so my little buddies were all frothing at the gills to be fed!

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