New here! Just wanting some opinions.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 25, 2004
Well I set up my semi-agressive 20 gallon I was wondering what else I could do to it (pet and plant-wise). So far I have the following:

1 Upside Down Catfish
1 Black Fin Catfish (will be taken out once it gets larger)
2 Gourami's
2 Giant Danios
12 Ghost Shrimp (for kicks, they'll die)
2 CAEs

And it is also in the process of planting with Aponogetons and I'm looking for some types of surface plants or something along those lines.

I guess I'm just thinking that my tank being overstocked is a bad thing and I'll probably end up with some dead fish, but what should I do about it? I was a pretty stupid newbie and bought the Black Fin because I thought it was cool, and the Danios and Gouramis are supposedly very aggressive, the only thing that seems to be ok are the CAEs and the Upside Down Cat. Help!?
:smilecolros: Welcome to AA LiquidCucumber :n00b:

Your tank is not overstocked right now but you do have some bad fish choices in there. First, the caes may be a good, peaceful algae eaters when its young. But as 10" adults, they'll stop eating algae and become very aggressive. You'll want to take them back when they shows symptoms of this. What kind of gourami are they? Anything other than a dwarf can grow up to 6". This would normally be fine in a 20g but in a planted tank they could do some damage.
I hate Chinese algea eaters, never recomend them, If you have Blue, Opaline, or gold gorami's (I think he bought from a pet'smart) watch out, they get big.
If you're getting the CAE as algae eaters, I'd get SAE instead. If you don't care about what it looks like and just want it to eat algae, you can get a Bristlenose Pleco or maybe some Ottos.
Well the problem with SAEs is that I cannot find them around here. And they are blue gouramis. And the guy at the LFS said the SAEs would get 6" max. So.... what the heck should I do!? Take the gouramis back? Take the SAEs back? Just kill all my fish and get new ones!? Ahhh!
Just kill all my fish and get new ones!?
Pretty extreme 8O
The best thing you can do is research, before making the next move. Google your fish and get all the info you can on them. is also a good place for basic fish profiles. The more you know, the better your choices will be and then you will be in control of the tank :wink:

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